Embrace who you are.  Learn belly dancing.

Relieve stress. Move your body.
Feel graceful and feminine.

Learn more about membership

Hi there! I'm Samantha!

I get it.

Sometimes you struggle to move your body.

Rolling out of bed.  Getting out of the car.  Sitting at work all day…

The tightness in your hips and stiff body are a reminder that you should stretch and move more but still don’t have the time to do it.

And of course, thinking how you need to do more only adds more stress to your day…and that sucks.

I know how it feels to have body goals and to have a hard time going after them because of being busy, having obligations, and not knowing exactly where to start.

I’m a 40-year old business owner and the primary caregiver of my children.
I had to accommodate my changing body during and after both pregnancies.

I gained waaaay more weight during pregnancy than planned, which meant a lot more weight for me to lose after giving birth…I didn’t feel pretty at all.

I didn’t feel like I had the time to figure out how to fix my body and feel better about myself without adding more to my plate.

I know you know what it means to be super busy. You’re busy literally every minute of the day.

You know you gotta do something about your body and the stress but how are you going to find the time to do anything?
You look at your belly and think…ugh.

Eventually, the impact of how you feel in and about your body and weighs on you.

Sluggish, sloth-like movement that makes you feel older than you are.
Increased stress, burn out.
No way to move your body that fits your schedule, is fun and actually works.
Sometimes, you don’t even want to look in the mirror.

I struggled for years with those things too.

And when you’re used to not moving or feeling stiff, moving your body feels awkward.

Like when your leg falls asleep and you try to walk afterwards. 🤣

How can it not affect you mentally?

You tell yourself you’re lazy.
That you’ll never be pretty or graceful like ‘her’.
You think you’ll have a big belly forever.
Your stress level is making you nuts.

Damn, that is mentally exhausting to carry around all. damn. day. ❤️

All that struggling can change.

I want to show you how.

You can learn how to shift your daily struggle with stress, tight hips, your belly...  
to a place where you can say nice things to and about your body no matter what it looks like,
belly dance for fun or exercise 4-5 times a week,
and feel absolutely beautiful, graceful, and confident in your skin EVERY DAY.

Alongside the belly dancing lessons, you’ll also learn how to talk to yourself more kindly…like a friend,
so when you’re feeling down about yourself and your life, it won’t stop you from continuing your day.

No one has taught you how to do this before.

It’s a skill you can learn.
I make it simple.

Learning these skills will change your life.

Imagine this…

You start moving again and strengthen your body without it feeling like doom and gloom all the time.

If you’ve got pain or body concerns, no problem. I teach you to move your body by working with your concerns.

Just a few minutes a day of belly dancing will change the way you feel in your body in just 1 week.

In a month, you’ll look in the mirror and say less mean shit to yourself.
Your pants will fit differently.
When someone says you look pretty or nice, you will start believing it.

Dancing through your day and having fun is something you do and have time for.

Stress will keep happening, but now you have a way to deal with it.

5 minutes of belly dancing can equal hours of relief…and a lot of fun.

Belly Dancing while you brush your teeth.
While you walk down the hallway.
While you cook dinner.

All these 5 -minute moments add up!  Yes, it all counts!

You keep moving like this.
Your body loosens up, you have more flexibility, and you tone your belly more quickly.

You’re also less awkward because you’re more comfortable with the way your body moves.
After all, you’ve been moving way more and have more practice now.

You meet yourself where you are and appreciate who you are, immediately showing yourself love.

Because you’re so proud of yourself and your progress.

You feel more confident when you get dressed, less stressed, and you embrace your femininity.

Before you know it, a habit is built around you moving your body and feeling amazing in it.

You can have all of this.

 It’s possible.

 Here’s how I’m going to help you get there…

The Approach



Quiet the noise in your head so you can go after what you want. Disintegrate those non-working beliefs about you and your body with the support of Samantha. 

Flow of Movement.

Learn to belly dance with step-by-step with simple, doable movements and Samantha's signature break down. Repetition is a key part of your success and is built into everything you do.

Context of how and when to use belly dance, in the body you have today.

Don't dance with the body you think or society thinks you “should” have.  Dance with how you are now.  Embracing yourself, now, will take you further.

Get clear on applying the belly dance moves you learn and to what type of music to use it to.

Learn how to practice at home and dance more.

Easy, repeatable, and effective actions that allow you to practice at home and dance more.

Tips, Tricks, and practical suggestions change how you dance throughout your day and manage your time.


Coaching and Learning how to coach yourself.

Take yourself to the next level with simple questions that bring awareness forward.  Samantha’s coaching focuses on exploration of what is missing and what is in your way, as well as strengthening what you already know.

Clear your path to your belly dance dream and move forward powerfully.

Experience group coaching and how observing others getting coached impacts your dancing and self-image.


 What You Get with Online Belly Dance Classes with Samantha:

Okay, friends! Here’s how it works. 

Membership is $64.99/month.

It's an all-inclusive membership.
You get all the live Zoom classes and pre-recorded classes in this price.

💃🏻 Learn to Belly Dance and be empowered around it.

  • Weekly Live Zoom Group Classes (and their recordings) with Samantha Karim and other teachers
    • Belly Dance for Beginners - Mondays - 600 -715pm Arizona Time
    • Intermediate/Advanced Belly Dance - Tuesdays - 600 -715pm Arizona Time
    • "Samantha's Choice" for any level - Thursdays - 600 -700pm Arizona Time
  • Pre-recorded course for beginners. Classes for Intermediate and Advanced students too.

❤️ Increase your confidence, belief and trust in yourself, and moments of self-love. You can do hard shit and love yourself while doing it.

  • Get the mindset, tools, and application to lessen body struggles and negative self-talk
  • Get exercises and videos on how to cultivate self-love, joy and confidence.
  • Get tools and learn how to feel graceful and beautiful today

🙌🏼 Get your me-time to move your body consistently and as much as you want

  • Get the tools on how to reduce stress with belly dancing.
  • Belly dance classes for exercise – cardio, stretches, warms up and more
  • Mobile friendly platform so you can dance, exercise, and have fun on the go.  

✅ Reach your goals with belly dance

  • Monthly dance and thought themes, guided weekly by Samantha.
  • Ask Samantha questions about your personal goals.
  • Learn how to keep going even when you get busy, your schedule changes or you are beating yourself up about not “doing it right”

You can keep moving your body, belly dancing consistently, as much as you want, when you want.

You are beautiful, graceful, and amazing in the body you have.

You can create your life to be full of fun with belly dancing! You’ve got your me-time in and ways to encouragingly talk to yourself!

Feel confident in yourself.  You can do hard shit and love yourself in the process. 

You have what it takes to let go of negative thoughts about you and your body.

Believe that you can walk through life feeling the most amazing you’ve ever felt about you.

Believe that how you’ve been wanting to feel about yourself your whole life is something that you can have now

You got this. ❤️

Start belly dancing now

Frequently Asked Questions